Friday, February 16, 2018

Are you really Bullet Proof ? Don't play Spanish Roulette with your Health

Are you really bullet proof ?

Time and time again we speak to prospective clients seeking medical insurance for the simple reason that out of the blue they have had to shell out a lump of cash for an injury or illness.

This month we have spoken to a couple in their mid 60s, the wife was walking along texting in a Marbella cobbled alley when she tripped and suffered a fractured skull. The medical treatment was fast and efficient and the Hospital accepted the EHIC card. 
She was admitted into Hospital and spent 3 weeks on the ward.  Now 6 months on they tell me that after 90 days the EHIC treatment ended and she continues paying for physio twice a week and requiring ongoing Checks tests and neurology treatment. Cost to them has been 5.800,00€

Last month a Lady called because she had been in a car accident and it had cost her retired father 6.000,00€ for surgery a metal plate and steel pins.

Another enquiry from a man in his late 50s been diagnosed with prostrate cancer been through the treatment cost 9.000,00€ for Spanish Hospital.

All of these people are concerned about the future and want to put in place medical insurance.

However the first two examples can arrange a medical insurance policy but both will have exclusions. For the head trauma there will be no cover if anything arises deemed by a Medic to be connected to the injury ie brain clot, nausea dizziness

The Car accident case will not be insured for complications from the metal plate or the pinned bones.

The gentleman just recovered with Prostrate Cancer will be refused insurance completely and might be able to try for Medical Insurance again in 5 years if the all clear given.

There are many people walking around Spain with no access to State Health believing they are ok on their EHIC card a card that is valid for 90 days abroad and is designed for Emergency treatment when travelling in another EU country that you do not reside in.

Every month we provide quotations to people who have no Health Access and have been here for years without worrying about it. We understand that budget plays a big part in not going the Private Health Insurance route. However if you cannot insure yourself maybe look at getting the Children Insured as this is very low cost in Spain. If you don't insure yourself ,well maybe you can consider at least insuring your frailer partner.

Time ticks by and with age complications arise. A friend of mine recently told me he cannot afford private medical insurance and within 2 weeks went off an upgraded his 2 year old  sports car. Its all about priorities and surely your health should come first.

Article by
Francis Payne 
Tailor Made Healthcare Solutions Spain

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